We woke up to snow! In May! Craziness!
Ha! How I love this sass master. He is so sweet to oblige taking all these pictures for me every Sunday!
The Baby
Baby T is now the size of an avocado, which is just fabulous because that happens to be one thing I have eaten a LOT of this pregnancy. I can hardly believe an avocado sized baby plus a placenta plus all that other stuff is fitting in my itty bitt bump! According to my pregnancy app, Baby T can now hear the sound of my voice. Obviously this is an excellent excuse to singing in my car to music, reading scriptures/ book aloud, etc.
The Bump
This week an itty bitty bump emerged! Albeit, it is mostly only visible when I am naked (and especially if I have recently eaten), IT IS THERE!!! Just ask my husband. ;) My weight gain (from my pre-pregnancy weight) is right around 4 pounds and I am currently still fitting into all of my clothes, but I feel like more changes are right around the corner.
The Cravings
-Glazed doughnuts
-Any type of Mexican food, especially my mama's enchiladas
-Fruit Fruit Fruit (During this week's grocery run I purchased 2 pineapples, strawberries, blackberries, plums, clementines, kiwis, pears, and bananas. I can't complain though because I guess craving healthy foods is actually a pretty good problem to have!)
The Aversions
Same old same old. Especially greasy things, cumin-y things, pork, etc.
-Glazed doughnuts
-Any type of Mexican food, especially my mama's enchiladas
-Fruit Fruit Fruit (During this week's grocery run I purchased 2 pineapples, strawberries, blackberries, plums, clementines, kiwis, pears, and bananas. I can't complain though because I guess craving healthy foods is actually a pretty good problem to have!)
The Aversions
Same old same old. Especially greasy things, cumin-y things, pork, etc.
The Pros
Baby T's nursery finally has a few pieces of furniture! A changing table/dresser and a beautiful dark wood crib. The crib was inherited from my parents and is the same one my sister and I both used. They have been storing it in their crawl space for all these years because my cute dad just couldn't stand to get rid of it. Despite its age, it surprisingly meets all the current safety standards and is in awesome condition, so we were happy to take it off their hands. Now all I need is for my sweet husband to assemble the darn thing. ;)
The past 2 weeks I have felt like a brand new woman which has been quite the warm welcome into the second trimester. I guess I hadn't realized just how much pregnancy was actually taking out of me--I had almost forgotten what "normal" feels like! Due to my increased energy, big appetite, and returning motivation, I was even able to get in several good runs this week in preparation for my upcoming 5K and 10K. Running is good for my soul.
MOTHER'S DAY! My husband spoiled me rotten. The day started with a 2-course breakfast in bed and the rest of the day was filled with church, a house full of missionaries skyping their families, delicious dinner, a movie and snuggles, flowers, and brand new curtains for the master bedroom! And of course lots of chatting about our little avocado.
The past 2 weeks I have felt like a brand new woman which has been quite the warm welcome into the second trimester. I guess I hadn't realized just how much pregnancy was actually taking out of me--I had almost forgotten what "normal" feels like! Due to my increased energy, big appetite, and returning motivation, I was even able to get in several good runs this week in preparation for my upcoming 5K and 10K. Running is good for my soul.
MOTHER'S DAY! My husband spoiled me rotten. The day started with a 2-course breakfast in bed and the rest of the day was filled with church, a house full of missionaries skyping their families, delicious dinner, a movie and snuggles, flowers, and brand new curtains for the master bedroom! And of course lots of chatting about our little avocado.
The Cons
I have hit that point where sleeping has become a thing of the past. My pelvis and back ache during the night, waking me up countless times. After about the first 3 hours of sleep, I am up every hour needing to walk around and stretch. Although I have always been a side sleeper, for some reason it is now so challenging to comfortable in that position. Perhaps it will be helpful in the near future to be used to only 4-5 hours of sleep a night...
A Note to the Little
Baby T, you sure are our little miracle. This week I walked around Sloan's Lake many times. One day I forgot my Ipod, so I spent the time thinking about you. Now that Spring is here, all of the sweet baby geese have finally hatched and I couldn't help by imagine you, my chubby little baby ooing and awing over these feathery yellow fluff balls this time next year. I just know you would love them. I am so excited to teach you everything and help you experience the world. Celebrating Mother's Day this week was a cherished experience. I certainly owe you a big bit of gratitude, Baby T, for you have made me a mama! we love you!
Baby T, you sure are our little miracle. This week I walked around Sloan's Lake many times. One day I forgot my Ipod, so I spent the time thinking about you. Now that Spring is here, all of the sweet baby geese have finally hatched and I couldn't help by imagine you, my chubby little baby ooing and awing over these feathery yellow fluff balls this time next year. I just know you would love them. I am so excited to teach you everything and help you experience the world. Celebrating Mother's Day this week was a cherished experience. I certainly owe you a big bit of gratitude, Baby T, for you have made me a mama! we love you!
I love the way your structured this post. What a perfect way to document the experience! Love the pictures!