The baby is getting so big! Although my due date is getting moved up, I will wait to formally make the change in my updates until I speak 1-on-1 with my doctor at our next appointment. At 22-weeks, the baby is a big as a spaghetti squash and getting bigger every day!
The Bump
My weight gain is remaining right around 10 pounds, but it is so strange to see my bump fluctuate in size. Some days it feels ENORMOUS and other days it still just feels like I ate too much chipotle. Some days it is hard as a rock and other days it is soft and squishy. Pregnancy is the strangest but best thing I have ever, ever experience.
The Cravings
-Broccoli and sweet belle peppers
-Turkey and cheese sandwiches
-Turkey and cheese sandwiches
-Summer fruits especially mango, pineapple, and watermelon
-Caramel corn (Okay, I have to admit that this was one of those one time ridiculous cravings. For some reason, it sounded good in Las Vegas and then I couldn't get it off my mind. I committed my husband to finding me some at his work party/Rockie's game last week. Like, we were NOT leaving the stadium until we bought the biggest bag they had. We only had to walk around 2 floors of the stadium, but we succeeded)
Exercising is keeping me sane this pregnancy. It has helped me gain weight at a healthy pace, control my back pain, and keep my crazy hormonal emotions in check. I am still running 3-4 days per week I have added back yoga over the past couple weeks to help strengthen my back and core for birth. There may even be another 5K in for me in the very near future.
The Pros
Each day the baby's movements get stronger. A true highlight of this week was Justin feeling the baby move for the first time. I tried to keep a straight face when the baby moved underneath his hand to see if he REALLY felt it. Sure enough, Justin looked up with the hugest grin on his face because he had felt it! Now he keeps his hands resting on my belly every chance he gets.
The Cons
My back pain was great throughout our vacation to Las Vegas but has flared up this week and has gotten more extensive extending from my pelvis and lower back, down my left thigh. It is brutal. Luckily, I have the best husband in the universe and he booked me a 90-minuet prenatal massage. This is one of the only things I have found that provides relief when the pain gets really bad. I am so so spoiled! I also received a special full body pregnancy pillow--best thing ever. Instead of 12 separate pillows to support my various body parts, I have one giant marshmallow that provides support everywhere. Seriously, this is a must have for any pregnant mama.
A Note to the Little
Hello Sweet Little Man,
I love doing everything together. Your movements are becoming so predictable and I look forward to spending time feeling you move around every day. My favorite is when we get home from the gym and you go bananas in my belly. I love laying down on the floor to cool off and just feel you bounce around inside. We put your jogger together this week (THANKS TO THE GENEROSITY OF THE WONDERFUL RYAN AND CARLY) and I am absolutely giddy to take you running after you are born. We have started receiving a number of other packages from the many generous people in out lives that love you and support you. I hope you know that you are so so loved tiny man.
Love, Mama
Cute dress and love these updates!!