Anyways, the unusual Colorado rain clouds parted for a few hours making the weather blissful for the first time in days. We loved seeing all the families participate together and it sure made me anxious for next summer when Baby T can join me (via jogger) in a half marathon or two! Man, did it melt my heart to see those mamas and daddys pushing their kiddos right along with them Anyways, I somehow, at 20ish weeks pregnant, managed to walk away the award for my age group. However, I am still trying to decide of my award medal or the 5 pieces of juicy watermelon I devoured at the finish line were more rewarding. #pregnancycravingsarerea But most of all I am just extremely proud of my miraculous pregnant body for being able to run mile after mile despite having to work so hard to grow a baby.
And a shout out to my sweet husband for being my own personal cheerleader! And to sweet Baby T for putting up with the constant bouncing and jiggling.
Yeah healthy pregnancies! And so happy you are blogging again. I'll be stalking you daily.