Halloween was pretty low key for us this year given that we have a 2-week old and mama is still in recovery mode. In the morning, Justin and I carved pumpkins while JJ napped. I did a silhouette of Thule, Justin carved a bat, and even JJ got his own mini pumpkin.
I did get us all(extremely simple) matching costumes! Even Thule joined in on the fun. We were cowboys and cowgirls and Jay was the Sheriff (complete with overalls, hat, bandana, and a bright yellow Sheriff's star). We went trick-or-treating at exactly one house--to our across the street neighbors whose just adore little Jay. Then we hung out at home waiting for trick-or-treaters...of which we got none. I was pretty disappointed by that because we are in a REAL house this year so I was all excited for a bunch of costumed kiddos to come knocking at our door. That and I convinced Justin that we needed to buy 4 bags of Halloween candy...
Nonetheless it was a fun way to spend Baby Jay's FIRST real holiday in the world. This type of thing sure is more fun once you have kids! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be prepping the Thunell house for Christmas.
BAHAHAHAHA!!! Everything about this post is fantastic. Mainly the picture of Thule looking super pissed next to her silhouette pumpkin. Also Jay's mini cowboy hat made me laugh out loud!!