Wednesday, October 18, 2017

2 Years of Jay Wheeler

At 2 years old Jay Wheeler:

-Speaks like a mini adult! He has a truly impressive vocabulary and adds new words to his repertoire every day. He regularly says 6-8 words sentences and uses words like "Scandinavia", "exhausted", "disgusting", and "actuary" in daily speech. He can also sing all the words to Jingle Bells, Frosty the Snowman, Happy Birthday, ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, etc. We have also worked hard on manner words. Jay (FINALLY!!!) says please and thank you with some regularity.

-Is in a real sword/dragon/knight stage. While most 2 years old carry around a stuffy or blankie for comfort, JJ has a sword (really just the wooden stick from a spatula with the rubber head pulled off). This sword goes everywhere with JJ including the bath and bed. He loves to shove it down the back of his shirt for safe keeping when he needs his hands free. Jay's favorite movie is "How to Train Your Dragon" and his favorite book is "King Jack and the Dragon". His little imagination runs rampant and during independent play you will likely find him slaying a dragon or rescuing a damsel in distress.

-Continues to be a tiny bookworm. One of his favorite places is the library and all of the local librarians know him by name. We check out about 20 books, twice per week, and read them until he has all the titles and storylines memorized.

-Enjoys outside play! Some of his favorite activities are walks with daddy, jumping in the construction site rock piles by our house, and playing in his sandbox.

-Has the wildest blonde hair. He has some major cowlicks (just like his daddy) in the front and back. Every morning I let him choose if he wants dragon spikes or a comb over.

-Is still called JJ by most people, though we are trying (mostly futilely) to call him Jay. Other nicknames include Biz, Bizler, Bean, and Jdub.

-Still loves his fruits and vegetables, but has definitely developed a powerful sweet tooth. His favorite treats are Walmart smily face cookies, marshmallows, donuts, and anything chocolate. Without fail he request "a little bit of dessert" each night after supper. 

-Means business about his snuggle time. Despite his growing independence, this kid needs a healthy dose of snuggles every day. I have learned that in order to set our afternoon off on the right foot, I need to set aside at least 15 minuets for uninterrupted snuggle time directly after JJ's nap. 

-Started attending nursery at church and preschool twice a week.

-Continues to be a real social butterfly. He always prefers a playground, chic-fil-a play place, or library story time that is jam packed with "friends". In fact, every new person is a "friend" to JJ. 

-Is a truly hilarious human being. He bring so much laughter into our home. For instance, the other day he finished a Popsicle and stuck the stick into his nose. I asked him what he was pretending to be and he said "a narwal". Or another time we were discussing his favorite topic, dragons (obvi) and I asked him what dragons eat. Without skipping a beat he exclaimed "tacos!!!". 

How we adore this spunky, articulate, confident, kind hearted, independent 2 year old of ours!

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