Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Strolls

Life is so fast paced these days.
The weeks and days sort of all blend together.
Always just jumping from here to there, 
with a mile long to-do list,
trying to magically produce an extra hour in the day.

Tonight however,
was one of those rare occasions
when things just seemed to come to a screeching halt.
Giving you a brief moment to breath.
And to remember.
I went on a walk.
To my most favorite park.  
It has a fountain and a tulip garden and everything.
I've taken this walk probably 3 times a week every summer since middle school,
but just haven't had much spare time for walks lately.
It was magical...
To walk past the corner where I caught the school bus everyday in elementary school.
To watch the sky melt from deep orange, to radiant pink, and finally on to sleepy grey.
Bidding the world goodnight again.
To see an elderly couple hand-in-hand walking their massive white dog.
Or should I say polar bear.
But he was gentle and friendly despite his deceitfully intimidating appearance.
I paused for a moment...
 to allow a rolly polly to safelty cross the sidewalk before me.
And to watch hopeful dandelions peek their heads up through the cracks in each driveway.
(I probably made wishes on a few of them.)
And to feel the cool of the evening breeze tickle me bare arms.
All the while Shawn McDonald serenaded me on my ipod.

Life may be crazy,
but tonight was just a quiet reminder
that the future comes a day at a time.
And in reality, all you really have is this day.
This beautiful day.
So keep dreaming big,
believing in those things everyone else tells you are impossible,
but all the while cherishing the beauty in each passing moment.

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayside sacrament.  Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing."  
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy Walking.  Oh Happy Life.

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