Saturday, February 17, 2018

2 Months of Charlie Arthur

At 2 months old Charlie:

-is becoming well-traveled. Charlie and I took an impromptu road trip to Indiana to visit family, which allowed Charlie to visit 3 new states. He also took his first airplane ride, which allowed him to visit 2 additional states. So now he has been to Tennessee, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and Idaho!

-is such a mama's boy. We joke that I only have to look at him in order to soothe him, which isn't far from the truth.

-is gaining weight well. Although he hasn't had his 2 month well-check yet, our home scale estimates he is 11 or 12 pounds. His rolls seem to multiply on a daily basis and he has outgrown everything newborn. You would never know that just 2 months ago this kid was a very sick premie. 

-loves listening to stories during his brother's nap. We are just wrapping up Matilda by Roald Dahl and next on our reading list is The Twits.

-goes by the nickname Big Bubba most of the time. JJ also calls him Char Char.

-is such a good sleeper and thank the high heavens for that! He routinely takes 2, 3-hour uninterrupted naps every day. At night he sleeps about 13 hours waking up 2-3 times for some good milkies.

-still has a lot of dark hair. By this point, all of JJ's hair had fallen out and he had a perfectly bald coconut for months. Char also has a super dark complexion and dark blue eyeballs. #yummy 

-is seriously just a sweet, calm, peaceful boy. He is happy to lay on a blanket and observe the ENTIRE time I am getting ready/cooking dinner. He loves to snuggle. He loves his carseat. He loves my wrap. He happily tolerates his brothers endless kisses/hugs/requests to hold him. He basically just loves life and is happy to show it with plenty of gummy smiles to go around. Did I mention he started smiling? #idie

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