Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snickerdoodle Sundays

Geneva Faulkner Nelson.

If I do say so myself, my Granny was quite the babe!  This picture was taken when she was about the same age as me, maybe a little younger.  She got married to my granddad when she was 18 years old.  They met at a dance in Saint Louis, Missouri, probably a USO activity, as my granddad was in the military.  She says that she looked up and "The most handsome man in the world was walking towards me!".   

I can't begin to think about my childhood without the image of my granny's house automatically coming to mind.  We used to spend a month in Bloomfield, Missouri every single summer.  I haven't been back in probably 3 years, but this wonderful woman was on my mind today. 

In the summers I can remember...

Riding "the Honda" (4-wheeler) through the 7 acres of woods in the back of the house.  
Picking springtime daffodil bouquets.  
Reading Hippo Lemonade behind the curtain covered closets.  
Glass jars of Werther's Original caramel candies.  
Climbing trees.
Swinging on the front porch in the morning listening to the birds and watching the sun peep over the distant hay bales.  
Swinging on the front porch in the sticky July afternoon air...a creamsicle in one hand and a pepsi in the other.  
Swinging on the front porch in the evening until the fireflies appeared, just waiting to be trapped in my recently washed apple butter jar.  
Flying squirrels in the attic.  
Handmade blankets.
Greyboy or Callie Cat quietly purring as Granny took a nap in her pink velvet rocker.    
Letter writing.
and snickerdoodles.

I'm convinced that my Granny was the best cook in the entire world (I think I've inherited my own love for cooking from her).  The more I think about it, the more I remember the coffee can of bacon grease always on the corner of the stove and her weathered hands peeling potatoes.  But more than anything, I remember the round Tupperware container always full of a fresh batch of snickerdoodles. 

Today, I baked my Granny's snickerdoodle cookies.  Enjoy!


1 1/2 cups of sugar
1/2 cup of shortening
1/2 cup of softened butter
2 large eggs
2 3/4 cups of flour
2 t. cream of tartar
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
Cinnamon and Sugar

Mix the sugar, butter, shortenings, and eggs.  Add the rest of the ingredients.  Roll into generous sized balls and coat in cinnamon and sugar.  Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minuets.

Serve with a tall glass of milk.
Cheers to my granny...the woman with the most beautiful heart I have ever known.

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